Aube - Spiral Tricle Distillation

Watzmann 006 12" moving-effect, picture-disc
in silk/screened plastic cover
Aube - Spiral Tricle Distillation
<500> NL 96
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Special moving-effect picture-Disc in silkscreened plastic-cover.
The sound-source is water and the moving-effect suggests
a water-drop falling in the center of the record and moving
in circles from the cente hole to the outside.

Aube is Akifumi Nakajima from Kyoto, Japan.
His abstract sound-collages are the result of
extreme transformations of isolated sound sources
(for instance the sound of dripping water)
  1. Spiral Distillation
  2. Tricle Out
Listen to track 01 - Spiral Distillation
this audio track is an excerpt in Mp3 format, mono, 22KHz, (sound quality is less than the original)